Our Grateful Story
Posted on November 22 2018

As we gather with family for the holidays, and reflect on all that we are grateful for, I thought it would be a good time to share our story to our Chasing Jase family (or just to those who are interested).
I have had a career in retail for over 20 years at various department stores and specialty stores; ranging in position from Buyer to VP. This career has always been very fulfilling and rewarding. Along the way, there were many sacrifices made in my personal life so I could achieve this success such as moving 1200 miles away from my family and marrying later in life. I was very focused on climbing that ladder, let me tell ya!
Then in my late 30's, at a Starbucks while hustling to work no less, I do end up meeting the man of my dreams. He had a son that I would soon meet and love as my own. When we married, I thought, this is the perfect scenario! I still have my career that I love and I now also have an instant family. Win, win! But as time went by, my heart longed for a child of my own.
At this point, I'm in my early 40's and we all know that time is not on my side. But we were blessed twice with two angels and lost them early in miscarriages. Both miscarriages happened while I was traveling for work. So I knew something had to change. I loved my career so much, so I wasn't quite sure how to give it up (nor did we have the financial means). So honestly, we just stopped talking about trying to have a baby and making it our focus. And of course, we then got pregnant!
Now I'm in my mid 40's and closely being monitored as a high risk pregnancy. But all went well and now I was truly able to have it all when Jase arrived. But the inner me was changed once Jase came into our lives. He was now my main focus and desire, not my career. Don't get me wrong - I love retail and all of the ups and downs it brings. But chasing after my career no longer fulfilled me, chasing after Jase did!
So, we started Chasing Jase Boutique. When I started this journey with our boutique, it was purely a hobby. I have a high standard when it comes to product, and I've honestly never been in the Children's market before - always Women's Apparel. But this allowed me to relive the nostalgia of baby clothes that I adored buying Jase but also fulfill the current void for affordable and unique Children's Clothes that I recognized was out there while purchasing as a Mom myself.
Recently, this hobby has turned into my Full Time job. And I am so grateful. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to be much more involved in my son's life (and husband and bonus son, by the way). I'm grateful to have the opportunity to share my love of clothing and unique product with you. I'm grateful to hopefully brighten your littles closet and wardrobe with adorable little finds. I am so grateful.
I wish you all the best this holiday season. My wish for you is to chase what makes you happy!
Hello where are ya’ll from? I’m from Louisiana
Hello where are ya’ll from? I’m from Louisiana
Your story is beautiful. I am so lucky to have worked with you. I know whatever you touch will turn into gold. I wish you much success with Chasing Jase and also chasing after your baby Jase! 😘